7 दिन में 8-10 KG वजन होगा कम लटकते पेट की चर्बी को पिघला देगा यह घरेलू नुस्खा
इस Artical में आप देखेंगे 7 दिन में 7 किलो मोटापा और पेट की चर्बी तेजी से कम करने का उपाय, कमर और पेट कम करने के उपाय
1. Herbal Home Remedy Fennel for Obesity:
Fennel is a herbal home remedy for obesity that has been used since ancient times to reduce appetite. It was also used traditionally to prevent ‘growling stomachs’.
2. Green Tea for Weight Loss:
Green Tea is an expert when it comes to weight loss. It has to be used continuously for visible results without dieting or weight loss pills. Just add one to three cups of green tea to your daily routine and you will see the results in just a few days.
3. Vinegar Water to Fight Obesity:
Take a bottle of water and add a teaspoon of vinegar to it. Keep it in fridge. Take a few sips a day. This will show a good result.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Juice Combination to Lose Weight:
Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of lemon juice for every cup of water. The water will keep you hydrated while the apple cider vinegar will boost your metabolism. Lemon juice makes the vinegar taste a little more bearable. You can also prepare it for day at once.
5. Dandelion Herbs Home Remedy for Losing Weight:
Dandelion is a very nutritious herb. It contains substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, and B complex and iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, chlorine, calcium, boron and silicon, all in one place. The bitter principle of dandelion stimulates digestion, including the secretion of salivary and gastric juices.