About Us

About Us

Our main focuses of NamoYoga.in on the subject of yoga, Ayurveda and natural health from a beginner’s perspective. Herein, expected to find information on different aspects of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and Naturopathy.

NamoYoga.in Services have been created with a genuine desire to help reach Yoga to the most diversified segment so that each can derive benefit in its own unique way. To this end, we are immensely satisfied to mention that we have sustained our FREE Online Consultation Service through qualified experts – right from inception. This, despite the huge load it has placed upon our resources in view of the rapidly growing traffic.

The Certification Place at NamoYoga.in is a one-stop platform for seekers to choose from a variety of Yoga Courses and Certification Programs available worldwide. It is a platform where promising schools and teachers worldwide can put information about their teaching programs.

As an organization, NamoYoga.in has been conceived as a family, where the members believe in the yoga value system. The one common running through all is a positive attitude, one that promotes cohabitation and one backed by strong ethics and humility.

Yoga despite being widely prevalent all over the World, remains a fragmented and disorganized offering. Through NamoYoga.in, we hope to organize the World’s information on Yoga. We hope to make NamoYoga.in increasingly valuable to all people who have the remotest yet diversified interest in yoga and natural health.

By facilitating this, we hope that we can help yoga touch more people’s lives in a more meaningful way and Lifestyle – from the toddler to the senior most of World citizens.


Dr. Dinesh Shakya
Health & Yoga Consultant
Panchsheel social development
foundation of India